Muscle emphasis: delts, glutes (AKA shoulders and booty!)
Equipment used: adjustable (incline) bench, various dumbbells, mini resistance bands
Link to Instagram post:
(includes exercises marked with *)
A1. * DB sumo squat – 5x12
CUE: interlace fingers for an even grip; emphasize glute squeeze at top position
A2. Seated DB shoulder press – 5x8
B1. Band glute kickback – 4x20
B2.Standing NG shoulder press – 4x15
C1. * Incline bench band reverse hyperextension – 3x15 (:02 pause at top)
CUE: feet together at the bottom, and opening up at top position; emphasize stress on 'outer glutes' (gluteus medius)
C2. * Static hold (front) DB lateral raise – 3x10
D1. * Band-resist kneeling hip thrust – 3x30
CUE: think about driving hips forward and back, instead of from sitting to a kneeling position
D2. Band face pull – 3x30
E1. * Incline bench band lateral leg raise – 2x50
CUE: I did x25 with the band and x25 without the band immediately after (it burned so good but I wanted to keep it going!)
E2.DB Y-T-I’s – 2x8
CUE: face down on an incline bench; slow and controlled movements to emphasize stress on delts